Saturday, March 22, 2008

yang aku tunggu

hyaaaahahahaha! dua buah t-shirt kampanye!! yang satu norak yang satu miskin corak. nih tapi lucu kan?!

jadi t-shirt ini adalah bentuk kampanye mandiri sepasang suami istri atas terpuruknya dunia pariwisata indonesia kita tercinta. ya mestinya ini t-shirt paling oke dipake oleh orang2 yang jalan2 ke luar negri ato yang tinggal di negeri orang sih. tapi nggak papa, kali aja suatu hari suami saya bule kaya. nah buat yang minat sama t-shirt2 di atas, silakan kunjungi:
Indonesia Bertindak
cara mesennya lewat sms ke
(whaow what a lovely number!!!]

kalo pengen tapi kurang kepercayaan diri untuk bertransaksi antar pulau, khusus yang di palembang, kontak saya aja. buat anak2 nagri nih terutama, YUUUUUK KAMPANYEEE!!

Friday, March 21, 2008

PS: uti ambil sndiri yaaa!

berphotoshop ria! gara2 si budi nih minta ngeditin foto buat tugas. hasilnya cupu sih tapi mendatangkan rejeki. saya dijanjikan traktiran kurang dari 30 ribu oleh budi dan minimelts oleh uti!!

akh begadang terus liburan! Bapa yang baik, jangan tambah jerawatku... Amin..

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

# nenny

ini suatu penghargaan buat temen2 saya. mungkin nggak semuanya deket tapi mereka ini orang2 yang saya respeki. saya sadar banget (dan sedih banget) bahwa sebentar lagi kami2 bakal mencar ke seluruh penjuru dunia. mereka2 mungkin nggak pernah bakal nemuin tulisan ini, tapi saya berharap banget mereka tetep baiiik selamanya, dan bisa ngasih kesan yang dalem buat orang2 lain.
love you, guys...

Sub-Grop: kawan SMP 3H

neni kecil nih kawan saya dari tk sebenernya. kita musuhan pas tk. sd nggak tegoran. smp baru kenalan (lagi?). kelas 2 baru deket. sampe sma emang bukan jadi kawan sepermainan, tapi saya nggak pernah ngerasa nggak nyaman maen sama dia. kapan aja selalu tersedia.

neni ini salah satu makhluk paling cerdas dan komplit yang pernah saya temuin. seni oke, dia pinter gambar! science, oke, anak olim!! bahasa inggris, oke!! hafalan (kwn misalnya) ooooke!! organisasi, osis misalnya, oke, nggak ada masalah berarti pas dia jadi bendahara, tercover semua kerjaannya! apalagi ya? emang paten dia nih. dan dia baik. otaknya bersih dan polos. jujur! berani banget. berpendirian. dan SETIA KAWAN.

ya emang sebenernya dia plin plan. banyak a e a e. gugupan. tapi bisa dibandingin kan bagusnya dari jeleknya? yang paling saya suka dari neni ini dia anaknya welcome. saya nggak harus selalu main sama dia buat bisa tetep asoy pas nangkring bareng. huh. sedih mau pisah. lama juga ya ternyata main sama neni. udah banyak banget yang dilaluin. ahahaha. euy jijai ya!! semoga neni nggak nemuin barang ini. ahahaha!

Sunday, March 16, 2008


hari ini saya asik ngebrosing youtube. awalnya sih nyariin video kerusuhan tibet, trus jadi kepikiran ngeliat2 yang lain. tau nagahiga yang di blog uti kemaren? akhirnya saya ngeliat!! hahaha! emang lucu!! nih salah satu contoh kerjaannya.

nah terus nggak sengaja saya nemuin artist keren. nih salah tiga dari kerjaannya.

HEBAT!! idenya lucu2. dan yang paling keren dia ngonsepnya pasti mateng banget yak! kita gambar make pensil di kertas a4 aja udah sulit. emang jadi seniman nih mesti sabar... nih link pribadinya dia:

nah ada lagi nih yang seru. TIBET!! waktu kecil sih pengen banget ke tibet, nepal, mesir, sama selandia baru. yah impian semata, ini juga keinget gara2 liatin berita2 ribut2 di tibet hari2 belakangan. nggak tau kenapa tempat2 ini bener2 jadi magnet buat saya. dan saya nggak pengen tur! kalo suatu hari mimpi ini kesampean, saya mau satu bulan tinggal di sana, biar bisa ngabisin tuh tibet sampe tuntas!! makanya tibet jangan rusuh terus... uuuuu T.T nih pemandangan tibet. ngiler juga kan?

Saturday, March 15, 2008


sebenernya saya nggak niat nyontekin idenya sherina kalo nggak nemu blogthings ini..

Your Hair Should Be Red

Passionate, fiery, and sassy.

You're a total smart aleck who's got the biggest personality around.

maka saya pun nyontekin idenya dia ngetes ngerubah warna rambut via photoshop..

Free Image Hosting at


10 photos that changed the world

taken from:

Any picture can speak 1,000 words, but only a select few say something poignant enough to galvanize an entire society. The following photographs screamed so loudly that the entire world stopped to take notice.

1. The Photograph That Raised the Photojournalistic Stakes:
"Omaha Beach, Normandy, France"
Robert Capa, 1944

"If your pictures aren’t good enough," war photographer Robert Capa used to say, "you aren’t close enough." Words to die by, yes, but the man knew of what he spoke. After all, his most memorable shots were taken on the morning of D-Day, June 6, 1944, when he landed alongside the first waves of infantry at Omaha Beach.

Caught under heavy fire, Capa dove for what little cover he could find, then shot all the film in his camera, and got out - just barely.

He escaped with his life, but not much else. Of the four rolls of film Capa took of the horrific D-Day battle, all but 11 exposures were ruined by an overeager lab assistant, who melted the film in his rush to develop it. (He was trying to meet the deadline for the next issue of Life magazine.)

In an ironic twist, however, that same mistake gave the few surviving exposures their famously surreal look ("slightly out of focus," Life incorrectly explained upon printing them). More than 50 years later, director Steven Spielberg would go to great lengths to reproduce the look of that "error" for his harrowing D-Day landing sequence in "Saving Private Ryan," even stripping the coating from his camera lenses to echo Capa’s notorious shots.

2. The Photograph That Gave a Face to the Great Depression
"Migrant Mother"
Dorothea Lange, 1936

As era-defining photographs go, "Migrant Mother" pretty much takes the cake. For many, Florence Owens Thompson is the face of the Great Depression, thanks to legendary shutterbug Dorothea Lange. Lange captured the image while visiting a dusty California pea-pickers’ camp in February 1936, and in doing so, captured the resilience of a proud nation facing desperate times.

Unbelievably, Thompson’s story is as compelling as her portrait. Just 32 years old when Lange approached her ("as if drawn by a magnet," Lange said). Thompson was a mother of seven who’d lost her husband to tuberculosis. Stranded at a migratory labor farm in Nipomo, Calif. her family sustained themselves on birds killed by her kids and vegetables taken from a nearby field - as meager a living as any earned by the other 2,500 workers there. The photo’s impact was staggering. Reproduced in newspapers everywhere, Thompson’s haunted face triggered an immediate public outcry, quickly prompting politicos from the federal Resettlement Administration to send food and supplies.

Sadly, however, Thompson and her family had already moved on, receiving nary a wedge of government cheese for their high-profile misery. In fact, no one knew the identity of the photographed woman until Thompson revealed herself years later in a 1976 newspaper article.

3. The Photograph That Brought the Battlefield Home
"Federal Dead on the Field of Battle of First Day, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania"
Mathew Brady, 1863

As one of the world’s first war photographers, Mathew Brady didn’t start
out having as action-packed a career as you might think. A successful daguerreotypist and a distinguished gentleman, Brady was known for his portraits of notable people such as Abraham Lincoln and Robert E. Lee. In other words, he was hardly a photojournalist in the trenches.

In fact, Brady had everything to lose by making a career move - his money, his business, and quite possibly his life. Nevertheless, he decided to risk it all and follow the Union Army into battle with his camera, saying, "A spirit in my feet said, ‘Go!’" And go he did - at least until he got a good look at the pointy end of a Confederate bayonet.

After narrowly escaping capture at the first Battle of Bull Run, Brady’s chatty feet quieted down a bit, and he began sending assistants in his place. In the span of only a few years, Brady and his team shot more than 7,000 photographs - an astounding number when you consider that developing a single plate required a horse-drawn-wagon-full of cumbersome equipment and noxious chemicals. Not exactly what you’d call "point-and-shoot."

Tethered as he was to his equine-powered darkroom and with film speeds being much slower then, Brady produced war photos that are understandably light on the action and heavy on the aftermath. Still, they mark the first time Americans were so immediately confronted with the grim realities of the battlefield.

4. The Photograph That Ended a War But Ruined a Life
"Murder of a Vietcong by Saigon Police Chief"
Eddie Adams, 1968

"Still photographs are the most powerful weapon in the world," AP photojournalist Eddie Adams once wrote. A fitting quote for Adams, because his 1968 photograph of an officer shooting a handcuffed prisoner in the head at point-blank range not only earned him a Pulitzer Prize in 1969, but also went a long way toward souring Americans’ attitudes about the Vietnam War.

For all the image’s political impact, though, the situation wasn’t as black-and-white as it’s rendered.

What Adams’ photograph doesn’t reveal is that the man being shot was the captain of a Vietcong "revenge squad" that had executed dozens of unarmed civilians earlier the same day.

Regardless, it instantly became an icon of the war’s savagery and made the official pulling the trigger - General Nguyen Ngoc Loan - its iconic villain.

Sadly, the photograph’s legacy would haunt Loan for the rest of his life. Following the war, he was reviled where ever he went.

After an Australian VA hospital refused to treat him, he was transferred to the United States, where he was met with a massive (though unsuccessful) campaign to deport him. He eventually settled in Virginia and opened a restaurant but was forced to close it down as soon as his past caught up with him. Vandals scrawled "we know who you are" on his walls, and business dried up.

Adams felt so bad for Loan that he apologized for having taken the photo at all, admitting,

"The general killed the Vietcong; I killed the general with my camera."

5. The Photograph That Isn’t as Romantic as You Might Think
"V-J Day, Times Square, 1945", a.k.a. "The Kiss"
Alfred Eisenstaedt, 1945

On August 14, 1945, the news of Japan’s surrender was announced in the United States, signaling the end of World War II. Riotous celebrations erupted in the streets, but perhaps none were more relieved than those in uniform. Although many of them had recently returned from victory in
Europe, they faced the prospect of having to ship out yet again, this time to the bloody Pacific.

Among the overjoyed masses gathered in Times Square that day was one of the most talented photojournalists of the 20th century, a German immigrant named Alfred Eisenstaedt.

While snapping pictures of the celebration, he spotted a sailor "running along the street grabbing any and every girl in sight." He later explained that, "whether she was a grandmother, stout, thin, old, didn’t make any difference."

Of course, a photo of the sailor planting a wet one on a senior citizen wouldn’t have made the cover of Life, but when he locked lips with an attractive nurse, the image was circulated in newspapers across the country. Needless to say, "V-J Day" didn’t capture a highly anticipated embrace by long-lost lovers, but it also wasn’t staged, as many critics have claimed. In any case, the image remains an enduring symbol of America’s exuberance at the end of a long struggle.

6. The Photograph That Destroyed an Industry
Murray Becker, 1937

Forget the Titanic, the Lusitania, and the comparatively unphotogenic accident at Chernobyl. Thanks to the power of images, the explosion of the Hindenburg on May 6, 1937, claims the dubious honor of being the quintessential disaster of the 20th century.

In the grand scheme of things, however, the Hindenburg wasn’t all that disastrous. Of the 97 people aboard, a surprising 62 survived. (in fact, it wasn’t even the worst Zeppelin crash of the 20th century. Just four years earlier, the U.S.S. Akron had crashed into the Atlantic killing more than twice as many people.) But when calculating the epic status of a catastrophe, terrifying photographs and quotable quotes ("Oh, the humanity!") far outweigh body counts.

Assembled as part of a massive PR campaign by the Hindenburg’s parent company in Germany, no fewer than 22 photographers, reporters, and newsreel cameramen were on the scene in Lakehurst, N.J. when the airship went down. Worldwide publicity of the well-documented disaster shattered the public’s faith in Zeppelins, which were, at the time, considered the safest mode of air travel available.

During the 1920s and 1930s, Zeppelins had operated regular flights, totting civilians back and forth between Germany and the Americas. But all of that stopped in 1937.

The incident effectively killed the use of dirigibles as a commercially viable mode of passenger transport,

ending the golden age of the airship not with a whimper, but with a horrific bang that was photographed and then syndicated around the globe.

7. The Photograph That Saved the Planet
"The Tetons - Snake River"
Ansel Adams, 1942

Some claim photography can be divided into two eras: Before Adams and After Adams. In Times B.A., for instance, photography wasn’t widely considered an art form. Rather, photographers attempted to make their pictures more "artistic" (i.e., more like paintings) by subjecting their exposures to all sorts of extreme manipulations, from coating their lenses with petroleum jelly to scratching the surfaces of their negatives with needles. Then came Ansel Adams, helping shutterbugs everywhere get over their collective inferiority complex.

Brashly declaring photography to be "a blazing poetry of the real," Adams eschewed manipulations, claiming they were simply derivative of other art forms. Instead, he preached the value of "pure photography." In an era when handheld point-and-shoot cameras were quickly becoming the norm, Adams and other landscape photographers clung to their bulky, old-fashioned large-format cameras. Ultimately, Adams’ pictures turned photography into fine art. What’s more, they shaped the way Americans thought of their nation’s wilderness and, with that, how to preserve it.

Adams’ passion for the land wasn’t limited to vistas he framed through the lens.

In 1936, he accompanied his photos to Washington to lobby for the preservation of the Kings Canyon area in California. Sure enough, he was successful, and it was declared a national park.

8. The Photograph That Kept Che Alive
"The Corpse of Che Guevara"
Freddy Alborta, 1967

Sociopathic thug? Socialist luminary? Or as existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre called him, "the most complete human being of our age"? Whatever you believe, there’s no denying that Ernesto "Che" Guevara has become the patron saint of revolutionaries. Undeniably, he is a man of mythical status - a reputation that persists less because of how he lived than because of how he died.

Unenthused by his efforts to incite revolution among the poor and oppressed in Bolivia, the nation’s army (trained and equipped by the U.S. military and the CIA) captured and executed Guevara in 1967. But before dumping his body in a secret grave, they gathered around for a strategic photo op. They wanted to prove to the world that Che was dead, in hopes that his political movement would die with him. in fact, anticipating charges that the photo had been faked, Che’s thoughtful captors amputated his hands and preserved them in formaldehyde.

But by killing the man, Bolivian officials unwittingly birthed his legend. The photo, which circulated around the world, bore a striking resemblance to Renaissance paintings of Christ taken down from the cross. Even as Che’s killers preened and gloated above him (the officer on the right seems to be inadvertently pointing to a wound on Guevara’s body near where Christ’s final wound was inflicted), Che’s eerily peaceful face was described as showing forgiveness. The photo’s allegorical significance certainly wasn’t lost on the revolutionary protesters of the era. They quickly adopted "Che lives!" as a slogan and rallying cry.

Thanks to this photograph, "the passion of the Che" ensured that he would live on forever as a martyr for the socialist cause.

9. The Photograph that Allowed Geniuses to Have a Sense of Humor
"Einstein with his Tongue Out"
Arthur Sasse, 1951

Arthur Sasse/AFP-Getty Images

You may appreciate this memorable portrait as much as the next fellow, but it’s still fair to wonder: "Did it really change history?" Rest assured, we think it did. While Einstein certainly changed history with his contributions to nuclear physics and quantum mechanics, this photo changed the way history looked at Einstein. By humanizing a man known chiefly for his brilliance, this image is the reason Einstein’s name has become synonymous not only with "genius," but also with

"wacky genius."

So why the history-making tongue? It seems Professor Einstein, hoping to enjoy his 72nd birthday in peace, was stuck on the Princeton campus enduring incessant hounding by the press. Upon being prodded to smile for the camera for what seemed like the millionth time, he gave photographer Arthur Sasse a good look at his uvula instead. This being no ordinary tongue, the resulting photo became an instant classic, thus ensuring that the distinguished Novel Prize-winner would be remembered as much for his personality as for his brain.

10. The Photograph That Made the Surreal Real
"Dalí Atomicus"
Philippe Halsman, 1948

Philippe Halsman / Estate of Philippe Halsman

Philippe Halsman is quite possibly the only photographer to have made a career out of taking portraits of people jumping. But he claimed the act of leaping revealed his subjects’ true selves, and looking at his most famous jump, "Dalí Atomicus," it’s pretty hard to disagree.

The photograph is Halsman’s homage both to the new atomic age (prompted by physicist’ then-recent announcement that all matter hangs in a constant state of suspension) and to Dalí’s surrealist masterpiece "Leda Atomica" (seen on the right, behind the cats, and unfinished at the time).

It took six hours, 28 jumps, and a roomful of assistants throwing angry cats and buckets of water into the air to get the perfect exposure.

But before settling on the "Atomicus" we know today, Halsman rejected a number of other concepts for the shot. One was the idea of throwing milk instead of water, but that was abandoned for fear that viewers, fresh from the privations of World War II, would condemn it as a waste of milk. Another involved

exploding a cat

in order to capture it "in suspension," though that arguably would have been

a waste of cats.

Halsman’s methods were as unique as they were effective. His celebrity "jump" portraits appeared on at least seven Life magazine covers and helped usher in a new - and radically more adventurous - era of portrait photography.

The article above was written by Ransom Riggs for the Jan - Feb 2007 issue of mental_floss magazine, featured on Neatorama in partnership with mental_floss.


lega banget lo. tapi saya bersyukur juga ada to nih. bisa nyicil bok buat unas!! sulit juga loh sebenernya buat lulus unas itu, dan saya udah ngebuletin tekad bahwa saya HARUS LULUS DENGAN KUALITAS YANG SEHARUSNYA DIMILIKI ANAK LULUSAN SMA. beneran. buat apa saya tiga taun sekolah kalo segala ilmu2 yang saya dapetin cuma buat dilupain beberapa bulan setelah lulus? nggak tau juga ya nih ilmu2 mo dipake kapan dan buat apa, secara saya mo kuliah hukum. sebenernya sayang juga sih ngambil hukum, secara saya cinta mati sama ipa, dan sebenernya saya emang nggak mampu2 amat di bidang sosial begituan, bisa dibilang kalah jauh malah dibanding anak2 sosial lain. tapi yah, ada deh pertimbangan lain.

ah tinggal nunggu hasil to nih.. aduh.. sma bentar lagi selese nih.. *SEDIH*

Friday, March 14, 2008

to lagi, teruuuuusss!


walaupun besok masih to kimia sama bio, tapi rasanya beban kami2 anak ipa udah SANGAT berkurang!! kenapa? karena trio maut ujian praktek bio-fisika-kimia akhirnya berlaluuu!! HOREEEE!!

jadi hari ini kelas saya dapet giliran ujian kimia, dan anak2 sekelas udah pada gagap gugup gemetar ngadepin nih ujian. sumpah saya beruntung banget dapet bahan yang enak: bedain alkohol dan aldehit!! yang pake uji oksidasi sama uji fehling itu lo. huah lega banget rasanya. nah yang enak dari praktek kimia ini, kita2 pake baju lab yang kayak baju ilmuwan itu. berasa scientist banget deh pake tuh baju! nih nih boleh disimak ;P

Free Image Hosting at

nah kalo yang ini hasil jepretan saya pas ujian lagi berlangsung. ini nih kerjaan saya pas praktek kimia. enak ya jadi anak sma..

Free Image Hosting at

nah sementara ini muka2 capek anak ipa yang menges ber-to ria. hahaha. tapi jujur aja to kedua ini udah lebih mending dari to pertama. cotangan saya nggak sebanyak pas to pertama. moga2 aja kali ini saya lulus to.

Free Image Hosting at

oya ngomong2 soal cotang dan hoki saya jadi inget obrolan mem dan kie2 tadi. jadi mereka ini nyindirin kebiasaannya anak2 yang suka sok2 nggak belajar. contoh nih:

"Aduh cem mano ne agek to aku belom belajar na!!"
"Nah mending kau aku megang buku be idak!"
(nanya temen laen) "Pado belajar dak kamu oi?"
"Inila lagi nak belajar"
"Suda sudala oi, dak usala belajar tu. Yg laen jugo tek yg belajar"

familiar kan sama percakapan di atas? kadang aja kita jadi bagian dari tuh percakapan. nah terus mem dan kie2 nambahin:

"suda ngoce2 mak itu, agek pas metu nilae besak2! katek2 la dak belajar. awak pas lagi ngoce tu lagi ngerjoke latian soal"

hmm... jadi intinya mereka ini ngerasa sebel sama anak2 yang suka ngakunya nggak belajar tapi dapet nilai gede. dapet nilai gede itu mereka anggep pasti aslinya belajar. nah pas percakapan ini terjadi sih saya ikut2an kesel sama orang2 yang udah sok2 nggak belajar, pake memprovokasi orang laen lagi buat nggak belajar juga. tapi sampe rumah saya baru inget, kadang nih -KADANG-, emang ada orang2 yang punya kemampuan ato kehokian buat dapetin nilai2 gede tanpa harus belajar. kayak pas to biologi yang pertama, entah hoki entah mampu, tanpa nyentuh buku ato latian soal sama sekali saya dapet nilai 61. itu aja keluarnya udah paling cepet. 20 menit waktu bersih ngerjain soal. dan ini sering kejadian lo di kalangan kawan2 saya. kayak si hanafi. tanpa ngeliat soal dia berhasil nyotang dan bener buat 22 dari 40 soal. nilai 5 buat to pertama udah gede lo. hebat banget kan? dan hanafi ini konon emang sakti banget kalo nyotang. hmmm..

oya satu lagi saya juga baru nyadar. tanpa berusaha nutupin fakta bahwa saya takoan (salah satu syarat jadi anak ipa kan takoan), saya ngerasa aja bahwa orang yang pinter itu suka kesel sama orang tekun, dan orang tekun juga suka sirik sama orang pinter. ngerti kan bedanya pinter sama tekun? pinter tuh yang emang gampang nangkep dan lama nyantolnya. kalo tekun, sebenernya nggak pinter, tapi usaha terus. buat kawan2 saya yang pinter nih, ngaku aja deh suka kesel kalo liat orang yang belajarnya gila-gilaan, tapi nilainya juga nggak bagus2 amat. jujur aja saya seneng banget nih kalo kawan saya yang belajarnya udah seru banget pake muka stres lagi tau2nya dapet nilai kecil. ahahaha! secara anak pinter biasanya santai. nah beda lagi kalo liat anak pinter yang tekun lagi baek hati. figur idaman tuh!! hahaha.

eh masih ada satu fakta lagi yang sebenernya udah saya bilangin di atas. ANAK IPA ITU TAKOAN! saya seneng banget tinggal di ipa karena bebas mengekspresikan aneka ketakoanan tanpa harus sok2 rendah hati. tapi bahaya juga sih karna arah2nya bisa2 tambah deket aja ke sombong. nah salah satu ketakoanan anak ipa ini dibuktikan dengan kegemaran mereka sok2 nggak belajar padahal aslinya belajar, karena kalo nggak belajar tapi dapet gede, lebih ngebanggain!! ahahaha. saya juga pernah kok ngalamin masa2 'cak cak dak belajar', biar keren aja! ;P tapi sekaran udah tobat yaaaaa...

today's news:
ARA ketauan dapet sms jawaban fisikanya **** oleh sir andreas. denger2 sampe pak kasdi loh, tapi belom ketauan kalo yang ngasih jawaban tuh ****. salut buat ****, baek banget dia nih sama kawan!! kalo saya bagi2nya juga sambil nggak rela, sambil kecut2. apalagi kalo sampe ketauan guru dan ngelibatin nama saya, bisa saya siksa tuh yang bikin ketauan. tapi **** tetep santai dan baek hati... ckckckc...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

nyanyi bareng xii p 5

udah biasa banget kalo dalem masa2 kayak begini anak2 bangau sering ngedapetin JAM KOSONG. nah hari ini agak spesial, karena baru hari inilah saya bner2 berkontribusi dalem ngeramein nih jam kosong. kalo biasanya cuma nontonin anak2 ngelucu, ato sekedar ngeceh sama tetangga kanan kiri, kali ini secara nggak sengaja saya nyanyiin lagu2 dari masa sd dulu. jadi deh saya, yopit, sama vinny keterusan nyanyiin aneka macem lagu mule dari lagu wajib sampe lagunya at mahmud dan kawan2 bahkan sampe lagu daerah dari sabang sampe merauke. ujung2nya, anak sekelas ikut2an nyanyi bareng deh buat 3 lagu terakhir sebelom bel, yaitu 17 AGUSTUS sama KULIHAT IBU PERTIWI sama INDONESIA TANAH AIR BETA. ahahaha!! seneng banget rasanya menguak kenangan jaman sd dulu.

ngomong2, saya jadi keinget komentar uti tentang lagu2 anak2 masa kini. iya emang nyedihin banget. saya beruntung banget punya masa kecil waktu penyanyi anak lagi berjaya, dan khusus buat kosa lagu nasional dan daerah, saya beruntung banget juga sekolah di sd janda, yang udah ngenalin berbage lagu daerah dan nasional dan lagu klasik anak2 yang cute2 dan lucu2. buat lagu2 daerah dan lagu2 nasional indonesia, saya kasih empat jempol deh!! emang paten tuh lagu2. oya pagi tadi saya dengerin radio yang muter lagu ampar2 pisang ala choir, dan saya nyadar sesuatu: LAGU DAERAH ITU BAGUS KARENA KESEDERHANAANNYA. pas dengerin tuh lagu diaransemen yang aneh2 dengan segala teknik ala choir, saya malah kesel dengernya. justru waktu dinyanyiin bareng2 dengan suara2 cempreng dan semangat membara2, lagu2 daerah ini kedapetan jiwanya. ahahaha. duh emang lagi enak2nya nih kelas 3. asoy geboy maaaaang!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


puji tuhan akhirnya saya nyempetin ngepost lagi, meskipun beberapa hari ini emang saya lagi berjibaku di GNB, dan yang paling penting sebenernya emang nggak ada topik yang cukup menarik. tapi saya rasa hadirin sekalian mau tau kan hasil to saya yang katanya nyotang abis itu? baiklah.. karena banyaknya permintaan publik lebih baik segera saya publikasikan saja nilai2 jahanam ini.

FISIKA : 35.48
KIMIA : 38.89
BIOLOGI : 61.11

RATA-RATA : 53.86

merah artinya nyotang.
pesan moral: nyotang bisa berakibat fatal.

hffff... kayaknya buat to kedua nanti saya mo nyatet waktu aja, jadi kalopun nggak bisa jadi jawara nilai, paling nggak saya bisa latian buat jadi jawara pengerjaan to tercepat... sekarang saya belajar ahhh...

eh tunggu!! masih ada yang tertinggal!! saya barusan menemukan bahwa fungsi PRE yang kita pelajari bersama dalam pelajaran komputer ceria bersama oom rehu nggak berfungsi dalem blogger!! ada yang bisa bantu? dan masih ada satu lagi!! mental saya lagi terpuruk, sebenarnya, gara2 bapak saya tercinta kembali tergila2 pada produk kesehatan nggak jelas, kali ini namanya SUSU METABOLIS, yang rasanya kayak kedele baru panen trus digiles trus dikasih aer trus diminumkan kepada saya. sementara ibunda terkasih nggak kalah sensasional dengan mengasup saya makanan berupa IKAN BAUNG setiap hari selama sebulan (mungkin lebih) terakhir ini. belum lagi tekanan lahir batin berupa to berkesinambungan disertai serangkaian ujian praktek yang tak kunjung usai. ada yang bisa bantu?

Friday, March 7, 2008

what i've done?

tiba-tiba saya keinget tentang cita-cita. advokad itu sebenernya bukan cita-cita saya. saya cuma pengen mengeruk uang orang kaya. jadi apa sebenernya cita-cita saya? ngasih perubahan ke kehidupan bangsa ke arah yang lebih baik. kegedean dan nggak penting ya? ahahaha. tapi itulah cita-cita.

nah sekarang saya menemui satu batu sandungan pada cita-cita saya ini: bener nggak sih saya mampu?! apa bner kalopun saya bisa jadi pengacara pengeruk duit orang kaya, saya bakalan sanggup ngasih sesuatu buat orang2?? ada satu fakta yang menggoyahkan saya: sekarang pun, buat hal2 kecil, saya nggak berhasil ngebikin perubahan apa-apa. bullshit me!!! kyaaaaaaa!!

silakan dikunjungi..

..boleh dibaca, jangan ditanya..

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

akhirnya selese juga to bangsat ini...

cape ya denger soal to? ini beda, hadirin.. ini to IPA!! di luar dugaan saya bahwa to ini nggak bakal terlalu menguras energi, ternyata dengan aktivitas minimum disertai dengan cukup tidur, cukup makan, cukup mandi, bahkan cukup rekreasi pun kelelahan badanian dan batiniah tetap merajalela. dan (lagilagi) di luar rencana awal bahwa di to ini saya bakal berusaha baik2, ternyata godaan buat nyotang terlalu kenceng.. ckckck.

satu hal yang saya bangga di to ini: KELUAR DULUAN TERUS, CING!! hahahaha. emang dasar goblog keluar duluan malah bangga. apalagi prestasi ini tercipta gara2 saya nggak bisa ngerjain soal. hari ini saya cuma butuh waktu bersih (setelah soal dibagi) 20 menit buat biologi dan 40 menit buat kimia. sementara bahasa sama inggris saya nggak kalah gancang, seinget saya pas bahasa saya nongol paling duluan deh sebango, pas inggris tapi udah ada satu dua biji (mungkin lebih) yang di luar. tapi bahasa sama inggris gara2 bisaaa! hahaha. nah yang paling parah matik. udah nggak bisa, lama lagi keluarnya. fisika juga, tapi pas saya keluar fisika masih belom begitu rame.

nah sekarang mengenai isi tuh to. inggris dan indonesia, standar lah. fisika, kimia, biologi, oke saya emang nggak bisa, tapi sebenernya soalnya nggak rumit2 amat. matematika... DASARRRR PAK SUDAR BEGGGGOOO!!! dia itu emang sakit jiwa. suka banget liat anak2 murid tekanan batin!! soal spmb aja kalah!! nah untuk mata pelajaran ipa (termasuk matik ini) sayangnya saya nyotang 75%. masing2 sekitar 10 biji aja yang saya tau pasti jawabannya. cotangan saya sih kebanyakan c semua buat tiap mata pelajaran, tapi kayaknya yang biologi nyotangnya agak random. nih salah satu bentuk cotangan saya.

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sebenernya bukan saya seorang yang melakukan teknik cotangan berganda ini. banyak juga korban2 lain di ipa. nih dibawah bisa diliat muka-muka anak ipa yang kecapean gara2 pagi2 ujian praktek, sore2 to maut, ditambah lagi masih kbm kayak biasa yang kadang masih ada aja ulangan harian. jujur aja beban kami jauuuh lebih berat dari anak ips, secara pelajaran kami berupa rumus-rumus dan keterangan2nya ditambah penerapan-penerapannya dalam segala analisisnya dimana dalam satu soal kita nggak cuma membutuhkan satu rumus tetapi juga analisis mendalam dan terkadang berbagai rumus untuk menyelesaikannya. nah bayangin aja kalo pelajaran yang berupa rumus-rumus dan keterangan2nya ditambah penerapan-penerapannya dalam segala analisisnya dimana dalam satu soal nggak cuma membutuhkan satu rumus saja tetapi juga analisis mendalam dan terkadang berbagai rumus untuk menyelesaikannya ini dipelajari dalem jangka pendek, yang notabene emang udah trademarknya anak2 ipa. cacam? cacam..

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oya ngomong2 sebenernya nih to asik juga. kerasa banget kalo anak bango itu udah pada PECAH UTAK semua. pak jedi lewat bareng bu lidwin disorakin (cieeee). pak wil ngambek disorakin. pak sus jalan disorakin. wehhhh..

terakhir nih. belom liat nih foto kan? ini duabelasipalima, kelas saya tercinta. beruntung banget saya dapet kelas ini. you guys will be my beautiful memory! saya nggak ngelawan deh dibilang masa sma ini masa2 paling indah. nniiiikmatttt...

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