Monday, February 6, 2012

we're having a baby!

yeah! that's my fiance! MY BAND! my three years commitment, longest i ever have. my boys who catch me when i'm fall. my shelter. my first love. my struggle. my laughter. my tears. my egoistic lyrics. my blind melodies. my neglected halftime part time job. my full-heart performance. my no-expectation which surprises me with lots of gifts. MINE! we've been pregnant for three years, now we get bored of staying pregnant. hopefully the baby soon to be born!

'Paroeh Waktoe' is about to present 'Imaginarium of Midnight Sound'

i'm excited. i'm afraid. i'm hoping, expecting! this baby will probably sound like this:

1. theme song 'Paroeh Waktoe'
2. lost in forest (tentative)
3. all i gotta do
4. innocent as it seems? (thus, spoke valdano)
5. deborah
6. terima kasih
7. speak lies to the moon
8. at the rainbow's end
9. bonus track: cuci jemur setrika bilas