Friday, October 12, 2007

The talkative Mr. JackBlack from China

So the lucky one for this first English writing in ILovePancake is my new English private teacher, Mr. Chandra a.k.a Ko Wen Wen. His course is the 4th course I took in my life, after my previous courses which all lasted no more than 3 months. The first meeting took place in my house, the Supriyos headquarter. Me, Maria, Yosefa, and Deavy are the eager students who are passionate in learning English. We choose conversation as our focus.

Now let’s talk about our teacher. Look at him will make you think that he is an ordinary (I mean really ordinary) man. A man that works in his family’s shop at Pasar Cinde, maybe. There’s nothing special in the way he dressed. No signs tell us that he’s intelligent. His dialect when he talks Indonesian even makes me remember about door-to-door sales. But once he speaks English, you’ll think not that he’s an Indonesian. He chooses to speak American English, and I think he’s done it well. One that is very interesting from this short man: Physically, he is so Jack Black (Mem realized it first). Yup, if you want to know how his face is, just imagine Jack Black. I apologize to forgotten taking his pict.

Our first meeting was so interesting. Thank God that this teacher is very-very talkative, therefore we could feel connected with him easily and became braver to say something. He opened the conversation with “Any question?” question, that forced us to think something to be asked. First question came from Maria, “Do you know Jack Black?”, and it led us into the topics of films, favorite actors, relationships, music, dialects, pets, even favorite animals and each of us’ interests. After talking some shit for about 90% of the meeting, we start talk about the material that will be taught at this our lovely course. Consider about our achievement in answer questions, we choose the 5th Book as our start in learning English. Good for us, hope it’ll be good!

1 comment:

madamezombie said...

Hey you!
My heboh swimming teacher ever! Baso engles kw sius nian.. Pecak baco diktat be.. Me, mem, devi, yosi, blablabla tu hrsnyo I bkn me..Haha u might think I speak nonsense and so do I. I dunno why I suddenly concerned in details. Yiiiiiiiihaaa!!!!!!