Wednesday, October 26, 2011

a letter for greedy me

Dear Greedy,

Everytime you feel insecure of your boring future for working with office routine, think about that man who's in his late 50 still walking around your campus, selling one basket of chinese pao from morning till night. Or mid-age sekuteng seller who's still around till dawn, or librarian who do their more-boring routine for inputting data for book circulation, 6 days a week.

They do it everyday, and they have to work everyday just for living.

When you demand of more holiday and craving for your taken freedom, look at those tramp and beggars who have 24 hours holiday and no obligation to do. You don't want to be them.

They're so free yet they want certainty and prosperity you possess so bad.

When you scared of your future and feel like want to stay in present forever, remember that time is keep running. Remember that you were born and raised to be prepared in facing future. Remember you have mother and father who'll soon entitled for your protection. Remember that you'll have  children, too, and you'll see the present you're wanting to preserve in their life, see the same tremble of facing future.

And while you're already there and looking back to your past, don't compare your life to other, you have no idea what their journey is all about.

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