Weekend with Dad: making too much laugh of a
horribly hilarious summon letter of a criminal case, written by a South
Sumatera prosecutor and approved by his THREE supervisors. Maybe they’re drunk,
high, KHILAF, or just stupid. Think through the text above,
Logic 1: 50,000 m3 + 65,403,180,788 m3 = 144,014,473,880 m3
--- This is why I support math to be one of the subject in our national
exam. Math, NOT meth, your honor…
Logic 2: the price of 144,014,473,880 m3 of fill material is
ONLY IDR 2,433,844,002 --- MEANS, a
cubic meter of fill material equals IDR 0.0169/m3. Hell yeah, 1.69 CENT for ONE
METRIC of fill material (soil), AWESOME!
Logic 3: If 1 cubic meter of soil is IDR 38,000 -- then 144,014,473,880 m3 suppose to be IDR 5,472,550,007,440,000 (NOT only 2 million-ish!). It's 2.68 TIMES Indonesia's total spending OR 3.15 TIMES Indonesia's total revenue for 2015 fiscal year, dude!
ANYWAY, can you imagine how much is 144,014,473,880 m3? ---
Logic 4:
It’s 3,599.64
TIMES the circumference of the earth at the equator (which is
the fat side -- 40,075 km loop each) if we use 1m x 1 m surface. Means, we can
build a 1m x 1m-surfaced long block passing through Indonesia, Atlantic Ocean,
northern Africa, Middle East, South Asia, and the Pacific Ocean (the whole
equator) as much as 3,599 times!! (OR, a 1m thick wall as high as 3,599m along
the equator. Ready for a new great wall?).
We can make a 1 m fill for 194.54 TIMES the total area of DKI Jakarta (which is
740.3 km2 in total) – OR, you can fill that amount of soil to DKI Jakarta and
make the whole province 194.54 m higher.
Anyway, we can fill the
whole area of Java (138,794 km2, the 13th biggest island on
earth) by 1 m, and still have a surplus
of 7 DKI Jakartas (5,220.47 km2)
Assuming one dump truck can load 20 m3 of soil (2m x 2m x 5m
– which is HUGE and might not be factual), we will need 7,200,723,694 TIMES
loading and unloading the materials. Even if we can provide 1,000 trucks to
load and unload the materials, with each truck can do 10x loading and unloading
per day (which is a totally arbitrary assumption – but whatever), it will still
take 720,073.2 days to complete the task. Anyway, 720,073.2 days means 1,972
years and 9 months and 18 days. The faster way to complete the task is to
provide each person on the earth a truck of 20m3 capacity to perform the
loading and unloading.
I really start thinking we need a dedicated blog for this
shit. HAHA.