Tuesday, November 8, 2011

my big chunk of happines these three years

they already known from the beginning that there will be one point when they will lose me, but they insist to keep me with them. they drove so far just to take me to gigs, or delivered me home, midnight or dawn. they introduce me to unfamiliar music. they took me from the airport twice. they waited while i was busy. they give compliments for things i never expected, sometimes excessive which get me blushing...

they have been major part of joy for the other side of my self, feeding the right brain of mine.

it's me who's so lucky to be amongst you, guys. and for the time when we'll have to end up, i apologize. but trust me, surprise will come to those who are passionately want a thing.

Friday, November 4, 2011


Have just heard a song by my favorite Indonesian band, with a very touching lyrics telling about a guy wishing his only one to be forever by his side. Shared as a link in someone's page while I'm trying to stalk, devoted to his lovely wife.

I'm an intellectual fetish, I admit. But this one is married. YEAY, young, smart, funny, and MARRIED. Why are all of them must be married?

Instead of intellectual fetish, I could be married-guy fetish. HELL.

Tentang Galau

Again, a random conversation of me and a buddy:

B: Hey, I guess we should make a pop song, I mean, pop lyrics. And you know what's on everybody's mind? GALAU.

Me: *memandang dengan jijik* Galau is a doctrine, dude. And I'm strongly disagree about writing galau lyrics, moreover if you classify it pop. I will not make people feel pathetically worry about their life or love life or whatever which is actually fine. It just offering them false sense to drown deeper in a shallow water.

B: Yeah but we're talking about songs and lyrics, honey. It's about a relationship of yourself and you unconcious mind and the silence recognition of your mind of the current state of loneliness. Everybody must've had that side.

Me: (still) Well, even though I write about it, still I won't make it overblown. This generation of lyrics, esp. the locals, already make me feel like throwing up.

Me, silence. Buddy smoked in silence.

Well, however I really mean it, mates. GALAU IS A DOCTRINE. Me and my other buddy ever discussed about the reason why are we never been into that doctrine, it's possibly because our joking manner which make us feel like forever being children, and we want to be children, and we never admit we already passed childhood. Those children are always too busy entertaining themselves, and they are not exposed to such doctrine to force them thinking too much about negative aspects of life, or love life, etc.

So, still, I'm here against galau, and waiting for a scientific research stating those who always galau would be shorter in age than those who aren't. I BET.